The Sterlizing Room
The possibility of the transmission of disease from one person to another, dentist or patient, through unclean instruments and appliances, has long been recognized, and we cannot put too much stress on the necessity of thorough cleanliness and sterilization.
Care of Soiled Instruments
When a tray of soiled instruments is brought into the sterilizing room, the instruments are sorted and cement instruments are scraped clean of cement before being put into water. This pertains to steel, and will avoid oxidation. Then the instruments are scrubbed with a good cleanser, such as Bon Ami" or "Orono," followed with soft soap and carbolic acid.
When the instruments are free from all deposits, mechanically clean and sterilize them by boiling twenty minutes, or in questionable cases thirty minutes. At the expiration of this time, the instruments are removed from the sterilizer and wiped dry while hot with a sterilized towel and lastly wiped with alcohol. These are then placed in a dry formaldehyde sterilizer or air-tight jars until used.
If there is more than one operating room, mark instruments to be sterilized beforehand, so as to avoid loss of time in sorting.
Periodical Duties
Cabinets should be cleaned once a month, and all drawers and doors kept closed at all times when not in use.
Semi-annually an expert should be called in to look over all equipment, preferably a service man direct from the manufacturer.
Each, six months an inventory of the stock should be taken in order to determine the accuracy of the inventory system, to check up for leaks and to decide on quantities used.
Annually all nickel instruments should be gone over and those requiring replating should be given that attention.
Monthly appointments should be made to oil the motors in the office and laboratory.
Hand pieces should be taken off and cleaned and sterilized regularly. The importance of this duty cannot be stressed upon any too much.
Records and Reports
The Assistant should prepare all State and Federal Income Tax reports based upon the earnings of the office.
She should see that all bills are gotten out promptly, both for completed and in completed work. These should be mailed without fail the last day of each month.
The monthly report for the office should be handed- to the dentist on the first day of each month.
The Assistant should visit all dental meetings and dental depot clinics, and act in advisory capacity to the dentist.