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Laser dentistry - find a Waterlase dentist at

Biolase Technology
What Others Are Saying

What Others Are Saying

Waterlase® is fundamentally transforming the way patients experience their dental visits.

"I would definitely recommend it. It was much easier than I thought it would be."
-S. Pruitt, California

"After having this procedure done with a Waterlase MD, I would never want to have another procedure done with your conventional drills, and knives, and sutures, and everything - there's no need for it."
-M. Roybal, California

"Before, they would get me numb, they'd leave the room, and I'd be sitting there, waiting for myself to get numb, and then they'd come back. This, they started right up."
-T. Flagler Oregon

"I saw a Waterlase® dentist just this morning, after a seven-year absence from the dentist. I belong to an online community and happened to mention how much I despise the dentist. One woman had heard about the Waterlase® and suggested I look into it. I made an appointment and then paid the price for my procrastination--four cavities and one crown (for a horrendous root canal done previously--I've been walking around with a temporary crown for seven years!) Today I went in to have two of the cavities filled and the crown prepped. The dentist used the Waterlase® on both cavities and it was the procedure I've been waiting my whole life for!"
-S. Hogan, California

"You can just have your treatment done, no anticipation. So I do think it's going to change how people feel about coming to the dentist."
-N. Seyler, Oregon

"I just wanted to comment on the Waterlase®. I lost a crown (pin and all) and figured that the tooth couldn't be saved and I'd have a painful procedure to look forward to. My dentist recently purchased a Waterlase®, I noticed it as soon as I sat in the chair. He asked me if I was willing to have him use the Waterlase to cut back the soft gum tissue so he could reattach the crown. I have to say, even though he said he's only been using it for about 3 days, I had no pain beyond that I get from flossing. It was a wonderful experience and I should know, I've had extensive dental work performed over the last 10 years. I still can't believe I came out of today's visit without any pain or numbness. Thank you Biolase!"
-C. Stevens, Colorado